Sunday, September 21, 2008

Two-color Study

For the first painting I've done just for my husband and myself, I decided to try a two-color adaptation of a wedding photo taken by my good friend Decima. I'm fairly happy with the results.
Worth another go at two-color, I think.
I used Alzarin orange and Ultramarine blue. Oh, and a little Chinese white when I needed to modify a stray brushstroke.


The Jones Family said...

I can't believe you've only been painting a little over a year now. Amazing talent. Your art is beautiful.

Doamna said...

Thanks! I'm so glad you like it! Doing something like this really isn't worth much if nobody likes it, so thank you! I'm so excited to hang it up in our house...

Anonymous said...

I just don't get it, how you can capture people like you do. SO REALISTIC!!! What a treasure (heirloom) you have just created.

Doamna said...

Thanks, Auntie!
Recognize Mom's stained glass window in the background?

Anonymous said...

This is so incredible. I look at it every few days and am so amazed each time. You have a great talent and gift!

Doamna said...

Wow, Aunt Trudy! I didn't know you come to look too! Thanks!